Subbarao Garlapati
Hi, my name is Subbarao Garlapati. I grew up in Woodbury, MN and just finished my last year of undergrad at Georgia Tech. This upcoming year I'll be doing a Masters of Science in Computer Science with a specialization in Machine Learning at Georgia Tech. I love learning and the immense breadth of learning I've done in undergrad shows that: research ranging from mathematical biology to edge computing, a team leader and member of service clubs, certifications in cloud computing.
Some things about me in no particular order:
  • I'm a HUGE Minnesota Vikings and Timberwolves fan. I've spent perhaps far too much of my life reading every bit of news on the Vikings and Timberwolves.
  • Some of my current hobbies include working out and teaching myself to read and write Telugu at an intermediate level.
  • I really like getting to know people's backgrounds - everyone has such a unique story!
I think the little things I do are best able to exemplify me. Things like not being satisfied with resume templates and creating my own with HTML/CSS and having a really interesting playlist structure on Spotify (ask me about it!).